Saturday, February 20, 2010

Seeing color: a rarity

Some people are a yellow dot on a green page. A yellow dot which is a vessel of immense importance to everyone. A page that seems to only seen by those who are colorblind.

These yellow dots are surrounded by everyone. Everyone being the only people that surround them. Everyone being the people who are content to get by, yet at the same time aren't content with the way things are at all, and are simply waiting for it to change, even though it never changes for the better. Everyone being all the people who are completely different from each other, yet when its narrowed down they all need the same thing. Everyone being the people who in the end simply can't see what is there. Everyone being the colorblind, the ones who cant see the tiny yellow dot that is a part of the green page. They're also the ones who don't want to see it.

That yellow dot screams out at the colorblind. It begs them to see more than the green page. Yellow is all that makes the dot different and important, and it begs everyone to believe in yellow and to become yellow too. Because in the midst of all the green on that page, the few that aren't colorblind walk away remembering the yellow dot, and become yellow themselves.

Not everyone has the ability to see the yellow dot.
Sure anyone can acquire it, but it can't be forced on anyone.

They must simply be given new eyes.

The yellow dot will never give up on the colorblind, but can't force anyone to be yellow.

That's somebody else's job.

"It's not our job to make anyone believe"