Saturday, December 25, 2010


Striving for what he believes right
A hypocrite someday.

Breaking sober with his high.

Satisfaction marked his grieving height
Resilient above the bay.

Tide of pride came in high.

Daytime lower, angrier than the night
Unfitting moods today.

Today's low should be high.

Friends more loving but less contrite
Saved ones scare me away

When they can't even say "Hi."

People judging, full of spite
Towards the junkies they want to pay

Life doesn't make everyone high.

Why do I fly a kite?
The only person here anyway

What's the point in flying high

Friends are drugs I'm not on tonight
Most naturally find a way

But without you, I'm not high.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Speeding up and moving slower
Up, down, from side to side
Life is just a rollercoaster
Plummet low and shoot to the sky

The ride so exciting, such a thriller
Paralyzing people with fear.
The ride is safe, the sideline killer
But so many prefer to steer clear

Sometimes I cannot help but puke
Hopefully you're not under me
For some the ride a disastrous fluke
To Final Destination blundering

Falling deeper, shooting to the dirt
Feeling life will end in a wreck
We're not in control so it can't hurt
On this coaster, we're simply a speck.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


A satellite almost collided with a spaceship
While it waited for your signal
Projecting joy for you on a daily basis
But the days became more dismal

An unwelcome tree blocked a road
Unwilling to let you pass
A raindrop falling down alone
Precipitation might bring it back

A dog returns to it’s vomit
Sniffs it before taking flight
A spaceship distracted by a comet
Turns away from the satellite

Moved from the road and back to the earth
The tree that takes root once again
The car still sits there like it doesn’t work
It thought that the tree was a friend

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Idiocy of Goo

If I'm ridiculous, you are too.
Mix our beliefs and we'd be locked in a zoo.

Cause you think we're animals
all of which should go free.
But I personally think we're people
and zoos are pretty cool with me.

This is an emotion. It's someone who's annoyed,
trying to explain how we weren't created void.
Oh and here's another one, now I'm feeling blue.
But wait, this emotion springs from a lump of goo?

Or was that just so marvel comics could exist?
I mean sure, Spider-Man and all the X-Men would be missed.

But hold up, they're fiction, and everyone knows they aren't real.
What I mean is, they're fiction, and we don't pretend that they're real.
The way you pretend I'm not a person, I most likely shoudn't feel.

It's ironic, cause your facts, they're all an invention.
Helping you push away the thoughts of creation.
Helping your guilt and actions. Helping ease the tension.
Tell me, if you're right, why can't we murder in this nation?

Why is it that dogs submit and learn to obey?
Man's best friend is a body but not a man.
Maybe you should ask them, let's hear what they say.
After all what am I saying, you'll never understand.