Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Role Model

He sits down at his desk burying head in hands.
He then removes them. There isn't time.
Theres more work to do, more labor life demands,
He has to find a way to make another dime.

He's being a leader, it's a full time job,
Nobody prepared him for all of this
He gets called into the house to eat corn on the cob
Dinner with the family, something he can't miss.

He returns to studying.
He's never stopped fighting.
He still feels like he's wandering.
He goes back to suffering.
Suffering never left.

The battle is waging, and he knows how to fight.
He's a weary traveller, but he still journeys to the light.
He's not perfect at all, but he's seen many different days.
There was a time when he was young, when his beard wasn't grey.
There was a time when he was more stupid like his son.
But he now fights for what he has, and he has the respect of his sons.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Detective of the Mystery of You

I don't know who you are
But you should know I'm happy to hear.
We're both interesting so far
Just wait until I bring you fear

I really haven't seen you
Except for here and there.
If you let me get to know you I'll see you everywhere.

You, you're the book that I've always owned.
But I've never read it. Just everyone else.
Now I see the cover. It's still new, but you've grown.
Can I read it now? It looks intriguing.

You're the friend of a friend.
So I say "Hey that's you"
But with my old friends your friendship end.
Ours can just be new.

You're the classic action movie
The one I haven't seen.
I pretended I have cause know you're groovy.
But now I just want to watch the screen.

You're the person that I now speak to.
Why not? Theres nothing to lose.
When we meet again there may be a breathrough.
Let's face it, you haven't refused.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Read this. Get angry. You didn't read a thing.

Let's hear it bitch.
Talk your way through it this time.
I'm serious. I'll listen. You talk.

You just broke a stitch.
You can't make everything fine.
Swing at me, and away you happily walk?

Too bad sugar. Cause this time I'm pissed.
Remember your ass? Yeah the one that I kissed,
I hope you enjoyed it, cause it was a real joy for me.
In the end you spoiled it. Who else are you spoiling?

Go ahead. Don't open your ears,
It'll just seal your darkest fears.
"Oh no, everyone just thinks I'm a tease."
Just stop telling me this. Just shut up please.

I told you to stop it ages ago.
How much does them catching on to you really blow?
Here I was being kind, to you giving.
But instead for you your pretty life you're living.

You can ask me why I'm so suddenly annoyed.
Maybe it's from all the times I was toyed.
That's why I write these words that are read.
It's why I'm no longer charming but angry instead.

It's why from you I think I'll steer clear.
It's due to your inability to hear.
So you had a good friend. Where has he gone?
Because you think I'm weak, but you know nothing of strong.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Necks Gets Stronger the Longer They Hang

Hello pitiful. What's it gonna be?
Go ahead. Try. You'll fail to finish me.
Tie that noose tighter and find a better lure.
Suspend me by my neck and I'll still endure.
I'll flop for awhile. You'll smile with glee.
Till he cuts my rope and says "Go. You're free."
Then I'll embrace the ground and take a deep breath.
Did you really think you could entice me with death?
I'll take off that bag that you put on top of me.
and waste no time tossing it. I want it off of me.
I'll crawl from the dirt as I move from you noose.
You'll angrily stand there because I was cut loose.
I'm rubbing my neck. It's my most vulnerable part.
Really you're actually trying to damage my heart.
Will you ever realize that I'm simply not alone?
No. You'll just place before me another stone.
If I don't see it I'll trip and land in your rope.
The bitch for you is that I'll never lose hope.
Even if it takes awhile, you'l never see me die.
I hate you because while I'm choking you lie.
I'll struggle until it dawns on me that I should cry out.
And help will come. That's something even you don't doubt.
My help will look me in the eyes, and as a friend will say,
"I'm going to cut the rope, and you're gonna be okay."
So maybe step it up a notch. And get a bit more clever,
Because even through your deceit I'll endure forever.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I'd Write a Rap to My Heartbeat, But I Don't Know the Words

Do you like to open the door? I like to crash through the window
I'll break through the glass, and examine my cuts later.
I look at the shards on the floor. Into the house the wind blows.
I was trying to move fast. My plan smolders to a crater.

I've found that reading is helpful. Not that it really helps me understand.
It was a great story to hear. Maybe I can use it to debate.
I'm definitely just as thoughtful. But I've also used my hands.
Sometimes my actions are out of fear. The point is there is action of late.

The land of confusion is more confusing when you're confused,
So please close your mouth if you think you have it right.
Sometimes I'm passionate. Sometimes happy. Hateful. Amused.
Only God can tell us how this is all black and white.

Revenge creates a unique story. Not that I'd know too well.
But I know to an extent, and it's still a part of everything.
Sometimes it ends gory and sometimes you realize that you fell.
Everything is unpredictable, including vengeance that we bring.

But did we really bring it? Or maybe we're still just stupid
Confused. Living life in joy. A little annoyed at cupid.
But my wheels are turning. Don't you dare think they're not.
I still have this burning. Theres more battles to be fought.